2013年11月17日 星期日

International Day

We had international day on 30.10. and international food for lunch time and coffee time.

We made food with kitchen ladies in the morning on 30.10. This was the first time for me to cut huge fruits watermelons and pineapples. I haven't thought I was able to cut huge fruits that my mother always cuts them. It is not easy to cut pineapples, so we called that is killing pineapples. In Finland, I can do it.

In Taiwan, we have many kinds of food and fruits. We have many kinds of Chinese food and create new Chinese food as Taiwanese food. Fruits are always juicy and fragrant, and we can eat fresh fruits in whole year. Small eats are the big thing in Taiwan. If you ask some Taiwanese which Taiwanese is the best in Taiwan, you will make the fight among Taiwanese and break up their friendship.

Moreover, most of fruits are cut before eating. We also cut oranges sliced,and the white fibers are good for health. After mid-September, we can get pomelos and eat a lot to celebrate Moon Festival. Kids get funny pomelo's hat. In Finland, tropical fruits that shapes are similar but flavors are not same.

Green tea(綠茶) is a traditional tea in Taiwan. We always drink tea with fruits or moon cakes or pineapple cakes or other traditional cakes or seeds. We seldom have tea time. But when friends visit someone's home, we always drink tea and chat. To drink tea is to show our friendly. Most of people eat liquorice watermelon seeds (甘草瓜子) with tea. Taiwanese need to crack the shells first (嗑瓜子), and then we can eat the nuts. It takes a lot of time to eat, so we can chat for a long time.

Green bean sweet soup(綠豆湯)is a popular dessert in summer time in Taiwan. We always eat cold green bean sweet soup in summer time, so that we can feel relaxed.Kids like this dessert very much.

Nina and I made presentations for EKO introducing our home countries. In the beginning, we asked 15 questions about Germany and Taiwan. And then we showed our countries's ppts and videos.

I prepared my presentation and practiced playing ukulele for one month. When Heli told me play a song, I directly thought the most famous Taiwanese folk song 望春風 (Embrace the Spring Breeze) is good for introducing. This song was made in 1933 by Taiwanese musician when Taiwan was a Japanese's colony. When Taiwan was a colony, Japan government wanted to control our mind and thoughts so that the musical lyrics just describes the love that is about common people's life. But the melody is so beautiful, so most of Taiwanese can sing the song. I heard heavy metal music is very popular in Finland, so I showed ChthoniC (閃靈) that the band is from Taiwan. I was surprised that students were interested in this band.

Besides, I thought what it is Taiwan everyday and talked about how I can introduce Taiwan well with my Taiwanese friends. We have small conclusion about Taiwanese that they are friendly and shy and funny people, but it is not easy to say. Beautiful landscapes are easy to introduce Taiwan.

I was very surprised that Finns enjoyed our presentation and pictures. Because I forgot to show the film 看見台灣 (Beyond Beauty)in the beginning, I was a little nervous to present. And, I was not sure that they understood. But Finns looked so surprised sometimes. I guessed they also surprised they have something from Taiwan and why the small island have many things. When I arrived in Finland, I saw many people have computers and laptops from Taiwan, for example, Asus, Acer, BenQ. But most of them didn't know where products are from. And then, I thought I will introduce Taiwan's products someday.

I think I have to appreciate Ang Lee's (李安) film Life of Pi (少年Pi的奇幻漂流) and Po-Lin Chi (齊柏林) film 看見台灣 (Beyond Beauty)and photos, that their artworks helped me promote Taiwan.

2013年11月10日 星期日

翁山蘇姬的國家 Aung san Suu kyi is from Burma

9月27日下午,和support family的先生小孩一同出發,前往Kuopio,那個幾乎芬蘭人聽見都會說:那是個美麗的城市。幸運的R待在美麗的小城市裡。大約是下午四點多出發,晚上九點多抵達Kuopio。天很快地黑了。路程上,和The support有些聊天和對話。

話題不知怎麼地,討論了亞洲的國家和東南亞。偏偏緬甸(Burma)的中文和英文差異很大,我沒背上這個國家的英文單字,也無法回應The support的答案。我想到了翁山蘇姬(Aung san Suu kyi),那個翁山蘇姬的國家。音譯的翁山蘇姬和英文發音有些差距,而我也未準確抓住單字發音位置。我開始細數我所知道翁山蘇姬的細節,是牛津大學Oxford university畢業、去年有部翁山蘇姬的電影、是緬甸國父的女兒、軍人干政、是佛教國家。

芬蘭的地理和歷史教育是深入世界的,雖然我還沒搞懂是怎麼一回事,但我想The support對世界是有基本掌握。總覺得,The support的答案和我很接近了。他說是king government ? military government ? democracy government ? 是military government。我還是不知道緬甸的英文該怎麼說。最後,我想The support得到答案了。我們完成了一場有趣的猜字遊戲。想辦法溝通的過程,沒想到先前蜻蜓浮水了解的知識成為幫手,略數翁山蘇姬一二事。
